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American Judge


Have You Or Your Loved Ones Developed A Serious Illness Due To Toxic Drinking Water At Camp Lejeune?

The New Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 provides compensation for illnesses that may have developed while living or serving at Camp Lejeune from 1953-1987.

Have you or a loved one experienced any of the following conditions?

  • Birth Defects

  • Infertility/Miscarriage

  • Renal Toxicity

  • Leukemia

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Fatty Live Disease

  • Parkinson's Disease

  • Multiple Myaloma

  • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

  • Aplastic Anemia

Have You Or Your Loved Ones Developed A Serious Illness Due To Toxic Drinking Water At Camp Lejeune?

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)



Other Symptoms


North Carolina has a strict law that prevents those harmed by exposure to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune from taking legal action.The law essentially prevents a victim from seeking compensation if more than ten years have passed since the exposure.  


However, a new federal bill – the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 – rectifies this injustice. As the disease progresses, people may have difficulty walking and talking.


They may also have mental and behavioral changes, sleep problems, depression, memory difficulties, and fatigue.



What Exactly Happened At Camp Lejeune?

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In 1982, testing revealed that three separate water distribution systems–Hadnot Point, Tarawa Terrace, and Holcomb Blvd– that supplied water to Camp Lejeune were contaminated with toxic chemicals.
Between August 1953 and December 1987, as many as one million service members, civilians, and their families who lived and worked at Camp Lejeune and the surrounding area were exposed to toxic chemicals in polluted drinking water.

Am I Eligible?

Anybody who lived, worked, or resided near the Marine base at Camp Lejeune including around the greater Jacksonville North Carolina area, is potentially eligible. Complete the form below to start your FREE Inquiry!

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